
Wedding – Mary’s March Workout Regimen

March Workouts!!

I’m just starting to get back into shape and going to the gym really feels good. I’ve been going to the gym at least 5 times a week and tracking my calories to continuously eat healthy. At first, I thought I’d work out a here and there to get toned in some trouble areas but it’s become a regular routine for me. I’m motivated to lose some weight and to feel confident in front of all our family & friends.  Each month, I’m going to focus on a different aspect of working out so that I see results and enjoy the challenges along the way.

Here’s a quick list of my March Workouts –

  • Stretch (10 minutes) – I’m new to Pilates but it has been helpful for my quick stretching routines before cardio.
  • Cardio (30-45 minutes)
    • Elliptical Trainer – My go-to cardio machine is the Elliptical. It’s much easier than a run and leaves my legs feeling like they went for a run. The low impact helps the knees and really gives fast results!
    • Indoor Cycling – If I’m having an off day, I’ll ride a bike. Sometimes I’ll add cycling alongside another option in cardio depending on my
    • Running – I’m not to the point of running a mile yet but I remember loving it so I’m well on my way! Almost there but I’m going to wait until April to really start pushing my running habit.
  • Strength Training (20 minutes) – Not every gym visit but every other
    • Arms – Free Weights, Shoulder Press, Arm Bike, Bicep & Tricep Machines, etc
    • Legs – Leg Press, Lunges, Squats, etc
    • Abs – Sit-ups, Crunches, etc

April’s Workouts – Running, Yoga, & YMCA Workout Classes


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